ECPE Jhunir
admission open 2024-25

Knowlwdge Resource Centre (Library)

EGC has a Central Library System. It serves as a central service unit to facilitate help in creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of information. The Library offers a wide range of materials in a variety of formats i.e. from traditional books and serials to e-books and networked information covering all disciplines of Science,Technology, Humanities, Management,Education, Physical Education, Spiritualism and many more in an Open Access System. Library has mutual relation with other major libraries for resource sharing.

Apart from acquisitioned books, periodicals, theses and project reports, library user has access to electronic journals and e-Books.
In-house operations of the library are automated. It has its own digital section to access e-resources. On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is available to know the status of books and other documents in the library. Skilled library staff assists to use resources and to retrieve information on specific topics of the Users. Library is a learning space where faculty, research scholars and students are motivated to explore, acquire and create information. In addition, the library extends apprenticeship to the students of librarianship to have working experience using Library Management Software.
All Working Days : 09.00 AM to 02.40 PM
1st & 3rd Saturday : 09.00 AM to 01.00 PM


Library members enjoy the privilege of borrowing books. The Students and Employees of EGC can enroll themselves as members by filling a prescribed application form and agreeing to abide by the rules. Others can use the library material only with special permission of Librarian. Borrower’s cards, given to registered members are strictly non transferable and are to be renewed every year.
Anyone found creating indiscipline in the library or misbehaving with the library staff will be debarred from the library for the next fifteen days and in serious cases membership will be cancelled and disciplinary action will be taken. Students or any other person found taking books out of the library without authorization will be punished with a heavy fine and disciplinary action will be initiated.

Loan Privileges

Normal check-out/check-in of library reading material is suspended half an hour before closing of Circulation Counter. Reading material can be loaned out to the departments for its consultation and reference. The Librarian can recall any library reading material at any time if necessity arises. The number of books, a borrower can take except dissertation/thesis/project report, and the period for which one can retain is as follows :

Sr. No. Category Of Member No. Of Books Period Of Loan
1 Undergraduate Student 4 15 days
2 Postgraduate Student 6 15 days
3 Faculty 8 (5+3) 1 Month (3 books for Semester)
4 Non teaching staff 5 1 month

As a special case, Periodicals/Reference Books will be issued for overnight only. Documents borrowed for overnight must be returned within an hour of the opening of library on the next working day.

Loss Of Library Material

Following charges are recovered for the loss of library material

  • Book : Replacement or the current price plus Rs. 100/- as processing and binding charges. The cost of complete set may have to be paid for the loss of a single volume if it is not published separately. In case current price of lost book is not available, the price to be charged from the reader will be @ 10 % increase in price every year from the date of its procurement subject to the maximum of five times of its original price. However, the reader is at liberty to replace new copy of the same or better edition of lost book. In case of books whose price is not given in the accession record or not available in any catalogue available in the library, the Librarian is authorized to fix reasonable price.
  • Periodical: Single Issue Of Periodical : Replacement within three months or the cost of the volume if the single issue is not available.
  • Bound Volume Of Periodical : Replacement for the volume or four times the cost of volume plus Rs. 200/- as processing and binding charges.
  • Loss Of Library Membership Card : In case library membership card is lost or misplaced, a duplicate card is issued on payment of Rs.100/-. Loss of membership card should be reported immediately at the circulation counter. However, the member still remains responsible for the documents(s) issued on his/her lost library membership card.
  • Always bring library card while visiting the library. Visitor without Library Card/ Identity Card may be asked to leave the library.
  • No one is allowed to take his/her personal books inside the library.
  • Particulars of personal Laptops and other computer peripherals to be taken inside the library should be recorded at the Gate Counter of Library.
  • Keep all belongings like personal books & other printed material, umbrella, bags files etc. at the Property Rack.
  • The “No Dues Certificate” can be secured from the library after surrendering library card and clearing all library dues.
  • No library reading material would be considered returned until it has been returned properly at the circulation counter of library.
  • Taking books out of the library without authorization, marking or underlining or in any way disfiguring and mutilating books or library property is a misdemeanor which may lead to withdrawal of library privileges or in serious cases to heavy fine and disciplinary action.
  • Library is yours, love it and do not mutilate books. Books are for the generations to come.
  • At the time of issue, the borrower should check condition of the book to be issued. In case it is damaged or not in good condition, it should be pointed out to the library officials at the Circulation Counter otherwise last borrower shall be responsible for any damage to the book/periodical etc.
  • Get yourself checked at exit of library while you go outside.
  • Eating/Drinking in the library premises is strictly prohibited to keep away ants, flies, and other insects etc.
  • Maintain PIN DROP SILENCE in and around the Library premises.

Suggestion Box

Members are free to recommend new books or journals for the library and to suggest improvement in library services by dropping suggestions in the Suggestion Box.